
Breast Problems

Breast Problems

Breast Problems services offered in Dayton, OH

Breast problems can develop at any stage of life and can cause pain and disruption. Carrie Cogley, APRN, of Primrose Women's Health in Dayton, Ohio, offers in-depth diagnostic and treatment options for breast problems and is ready to help. Book your visit online or by phone today to receive the treatment and compassionate care you need to move beyond breast problems. 

What are some examples of common breast problems?

Some women never have any problems while others struggle frequently or experience recurring breast issues. 

Some of the breast issues that bring women to Primrose Women’s Health for care include:

  • Infections like mastitis
  • Swollen or enlarged lymph nodes
  • Fibrocystic breast changes
  • Blocked or clogged milk ducts
  • Cysts (fluid-filled lumps)
  • Fat necrosis (damaged fatty tissue)
  • Fibroadenomas (firm breast lumps)
  • Inflamed blood vessels

These are just a few problems that can arise in breast tissue. 

What are some symptoms of breast problems?

Understanding the signs of breast problems helps you know when to take action. Some of the symptoms include:

  • Nipple discharge
  • Lumps or abnormally firm breast tissue mass
  • Skin changes to the skin on your breast or nipple
  • Discomfort or pain in or near the breasts

Not all breast problems cause pain, which is why it is so important to come in for routine breast exams and to periodically check your breast tissue on your own, which your practitioner can show you how to do.

When should I seek medical care for breast problems?

It’s important to schedule a diagnostic exam any time you notice changes in how your breasts feel or function. No one knows your body better than you, and if you feel that something is just not right, Carrie and the team at Primrose Women’s Health are here to listen to your concerns and chart a course of action. 

The diagnostic process begins with a simple discussion of your symptoms and a manual breast exam. State-of-the-art imaging provides more insight into any changes in your breast tissue. If the diagnostic process reveals areas of concern, Carrie explains all of your treatment options in detail, giving you everything needed to make an informed decision about your care. 

It’s important to note that most lumps and other breast issues are not signs of cancer or other serious problems. That said, having a professional evaluate any breast changes you experience is the best way to ensure you remain healthy. 

If you’re ready to book a visit at Primrose Women’s Health, call the office today or spend a few moments online to find a time that fits your busy life.